Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is God’s approach? Or rather, what should be one’s approach to God?

Assumption:  I believe in a higher power and I think “God “is that higher power and for now, I would like to address God as “He” (purely for convenience purpose).

Assumption done, I can now safely ramble upon what I think of God’s approach towards dispensing with numerous applications that he might be getting every day or whenever he takes stock of them. We all remember God when we are in trouble or are needy or greedy for something – not to forget that some of us remember God when we have been transported out of a trouble or satisfied of greed or on an everyday or hourly basis as well! Considering the volume of incoming traffic, I am sure God must have devised umpteen strategies to attack the huge workload and deliver results though he must be grateful he does not need to go through mid year and end year appraisals – though who knows what happens in Heavens above !

As the wise ones say, he has strange ways and more often that not, he acts in a manner incomprehensible to mere mortals like us. So what that means is that sometimes his good work is tangible, many times it is totally invisible and we are left high and dry thinking that he is probably not in the mood to work or is upset with us and has decided not to help us this time. I was discussing this with a friend at work and it really made me wonder what approach is best for attracting the right sorts of attention from dear God.

From childhood we are taught that prayers are an infallible means of attracting divine attention. But then it’s not easy to pray, is it? I mean the sort of prayers that work. Otherwise, I do not understand why some of my prayers are not reaching him when I pray almost every now and then!
Paulo Coelho said in Alchemist (which sold millions of copies worldwide), “When you want something, the entire Universe conspires in helping you achieve it “. This means if you really want something with all your might, it will come to you.
Is God not part of this universe? Why then he does not conspire actively? Actually may be he is not. Hence, he works alone on his own and I need to figure out how to want and pray with all my might to make him bestow his attention on me.

In addition to spirituality, the religious pundits advocate various other means of reaching God. To my astonishment, I have been doing this too though I do not see myself as someone religiously following any one religion more than the other. But I do believe in what the elders and more wise souls say and also what my experience has taught me. So, I visit temples too when I feel like doing so and I must say, a visit to a temple or any other place of worship does give me peace of mind but then it still eludes the other purpose of putting me in touch with the God being represented by the idol in the temple .So, I think here again I am doing something wrong and need to figure out the right approach.

Leaving aside spirituality and religion, the more enlightened world of “karma believers “propagates “Nishkaam Karma” or “selfless action” as a way to reach closer to God. That is, do what you need to do but forget about reaping the benefits. How interesting but inhuman is that, I ask? Are we all not guided by results to work more and achieve more? Have we all not been taught that unless you do some work, you cannot expect the results !So when the concept of result vs. action is so heavily imbibed in our personalities right from childhood, how then suddenly it becomes less relevant while pursuing God ? I fail to understand but what I know is that for a long time now I have been doing what needs to be done, what seems right to me at that point in time and what my conscience allows me to do. Beyond that, I really have no way of judging whether my karma is right or not.                                                                                                                                                     
I am a mere human being… what else can I do? Got to find that out and in this lifetime hopefully!!

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