Monday, September 24, 2012

Random thoughts…Manic Monday … Temple Blues

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

Lovely song by Bangles. And how truly this particular bit from the song reflects the state of my mind on a Monday morning. At the same time, how easily listening to this peppy number on the way to office lifted my mood straight from a blue-y state to a gleeful pink-y (?!) state, at least for today.

I am one of those lucky ones who have been spared the pandemonium that ensues in the early morning rush to office as I have a cool boss (once in a while, I can say that!) who does not really give me stares for turning into office at my own time! Add to that, the luxury of being able to drive myself and not catch a cab or a train/bus to work and I have a fairly relaxed routine at home even on a weekday morning. And so used am I to this that any deviation is set to turn on my zodiacal crabby self…. And a Monday morning does exactly that.

Monday is my fasting and temple day and I really look forward to the serenity and the sense of discipline it brings in my life. The harmonious clanging of temple bells, the ritual of puja, the offering of prayers, and the control over food cravings…I thoroughly enjoy it all and it gives me the much needed celestial faith to survive in this world. However, the bit about leaving home a little early and making a stop en route office leaves me a little hassled. Sounds shallow and inconsequential, but I guess the creatures of habit and convenience that we have become, even small changes require mammoth effort by body and soul both. It is not that I dislike doing this regularly or would wish for it to go away. On the contrary, I am trying to imbibe it in my routine on a more regular basis. But just wish that it becomes bit more convenient. I have often thought of keeping a small temple at home but then thought against it as I honestly believe I will not be able to do justice to it……..I hope someone rich in my apartment society gets bitten by the spirituality bug and turns their 2/3/4 BHK apartment into a heavenly abode!

So these temple blues and food cravings (I fast, remember!) get me into the Monday blues and I think the effect remains for the rest of the day. Though I, in no sense, deprive myself of food and nutrition in my fast, I still feel not up to the mark as I am a self confessed foodie and need my regular dosage of chocolate and coffee and snacks and cookies. How I wish God had made me a fruit-loving, green-tea drinker and I could use these awesome (not) items of food and beverages to pep me up on a Monday.But no, I instead crave for that sinful chocolate and that calorie loaded banana chocolate chip cookie that I decide to deny myself on one particular day of the week.

However, I am pretty circumstantially tenacious, if not congenitally strong willed………and hope remains. Even though it is taking every nerve of control in my body to resist the urge to get up and get myself a bar of chocolate, I think I will sail through the day without giving up. Beat the Monday blues, I say !

P:S: To God : You know how I love you and swear by your name. So, I hope this cribbing about temple blues does not reach you and if it does, it does not bother you as far as my karma points are concerned!

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