Sunday, September 16, 2012

Am I gonna stop some things?Or am I gonna step up ?

Registered for a baking class. Cancelled last minute thinking it would be a waste of time - Stop cancelling.Time is meant for spending.

Controlled for a week(chocolate craving, that is).Gave up on the weekend – Stop controlling.It leads to losing control. 

That paint and brush box was supposed to receive a canvas for company.That painting was supposed to be done - Do it before the idea fades away or gets stolen!You know how it happens, especially with you.

Finished reading that awesome book.Picked up another before finishing that other not-so- awesome book - Stop flitting.Especially, when you know it makes you restless.

 Fumed & sulked for the better part of a day.Realised it does not help.Saved whatever was left of the day - Stop analyzing.Don’t expect.Continue on your zen habits.You are God's own baby!

That resume needs work. That resume needs lots of work –Work on it,while you are still here and have substance.

That one thing that is there in your mind,needs to be tackled head on.THAT thing really needs to be done if you want to do other things in life - Continue motivating yourself to do THAT thing before its too late!Or else, It will suck life out of you.

Proud of your sensitivity and thoughtfulness?Think you are doing yourself and others' any good? - Well, listen carefully now.Its no use.Pack it all in an airtight container and flung it out of the window .Where are the takers ,anyways?!

The list is getting longer.The list is getting unmanageable – Continue listing.Some day, it will all be ticked off.

Another weekend almost gone .Another chance almost lost.Another idea fizzled out.Another effort nipped in the bud - Well, stop whining.It does not help.Give yourself a break.

Weekends come and weekends go.Chance is never lost.Every moment is a chance........... Now if only the weekend could extend to weekdays!!
Either ways, stop  thinking. It ROTS your brain.You don't have a spare one, do you?

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