Friday, February 10, 2012

Where are you?

I woke up this morning rather dull and disoriented. It took me a couple of minutes of logical reasoning and fighting inner demons to drag myself out of bed .I think the whole night I did not sleep well and kept thinking on the lines of my purpose in this life and why God sent me on this earth, which are good lines of thought for occasional introspection but not so welcome when one is struggling with impending deadlines at work and need a good night’s sleep to be able to attack work with fresh vigour the next day.

These thoughts (or may be dreams, I am not sure!) kept me almost awake the whole night and I think it was only in the wee hours of morning that I managed to catch a wink. And then soon enough, it was time for cleaning and cooking maids and car cleaners to start pouring in and I had to get up to let them in. I made myself a hot cuppa of chai, which in normal circumstances, is enough to pep me up but today even that failed to work any magic. I tried to read the “What’s Hot” section of the newspaper to get some mojo back but it seemed in this winter, nothing is hot enough!
I finally gave up trying to feel good and convinced myself to work on an auto pilot mode – do what needs to be done.

So, I got ready for work, gulped down some breakfast and then drove like a maniac to reach office in time to be able to say that I did not take the first half off! I hoped fervently that the routine of office and scheduled meetings would put me back on track and I would be able to complete my work for the day. But nothing works as expected when the powers above conspire to not let it work. And so it happened that one by one, all the scheduled meetings got cancelled and I am now struggling with lot of unplanned time and plenty of work to finish. Not a good combination on a day when I am just not inspired to live, let alone work! Add to that, a “missing Boss” and “weekend mode “and it just gets as difficult as it could.

I hope, before the day finishes, I get a good enough reason or motivation to finish off my assignments for the day or else, I would spend my entire weekend moping under the guilt of missed deadlines and feeling miserable in general. And a weekend ill spent does not really spell well for the coming week .So, dear Goddess of Inspiration/Motivation, please be kind and don’t leave me in a lurch like this!

**Inspiration, inspiration ....where are you? Come back honey, I need you!**

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