Monday, January 16, 2012

True Blogger!

Someone has rightly said “Inspiration lies in the smallest of things “. Today again, something like a very casual statement made its mark and inspired me to do something that was lying somewhere in the deepest recesses of my mind. The India head of the company that I work for, writes a blog and his entry for the day mentioned something like “A true blogger is one who never lets the blog die! “. Believe it or not, this was it! It rung a bell somewhere and I found myself resolving to revive my blog which, till date, has two entries to boast of and which was started in the year of 2007!

Starting to blog seriously is not just as simple as it sounds. And I am not even referring to the technicalities of being a good writer. For me, it is so much more than just putting words to paper. And how, dear reader, is that? Well, to put it plainly, I believe, I am a dreamer and a procrastinator, all at the same time. So, while I can spend endless hours imagining myself to be doing something or achieving something or being something, I would actually do very little to do just that. I would sit and brood on it for so long that it would rot my mind and make further action unachievable!

Of late, this particular aspect of my personality has hit me hard like never before and I have been thinking a lot as to how I can change this perception that I have of myself. Add to that, a lot of free time at my hands due to a relaxed work situation and a constant realisation to have that one hobby that I don’t just write about in the “Hobbies “ section of “ Who am I “ but that I actually indulge in and get a pleasure from !

Now while I crave for and dream of dancing like the Terpsichore herself, I do realise that I was born with two left feet .So, I will be realistic and do the other things that I really like and am able to do and reading and writing are two of those things. I have been a fairly good reader but I have never put my mind and energy into writing. I don’t know if I am good at it or not and frankly, I don’t care either. I have realised that I really enjoy playing with words and putting them to paper and hence, this is what I am going to nurture further.

Last but not the least, I think it will be a manifestation of the outcome of endless self analysis sessions that usually go on in my head and a reinforcement of belief in myself that I think I have lost somewhere as life unfolded itself to me.

P.S : Just realised I am so late & new on the scene , I have probably got zero readership but then, I have friends and what are they for if not forceful reading of my blogs !!

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