Thursday, June 21, 2007

FINALLY ........

First things first ….I congratulate myself for putting up my first post on my blog , the foundation for which was laid few months back ..

I had been thinking of doing this for a long time but never could make myself do it ..not because I have nothing to write or share , not because I cannot put my thoughts into words ,not because I am lazy and certainly not because I have not been getting time to do it …….…

BUT BUT BUT ….. because all this while I was wondering who is going to read all that I write ….

And also cos almost every internet savvy person I know has a blog of his or her own…..So I thought its probably too clichéd now .

But today I am getting bored in office and nobody is ready to spare time for me ..and then it occurred to me !! I can put my thoughts ( or crap ! or whatever !!) into writing and this way I won’t have to look for anybody to share them .. I mean I am still sharing them but am not forcing anybody to listen to me …most people have anyways stopped falling into that trap !

So it really does not matter if anybody reads or not ..By writing them , i would have put my thoughts into a more rational and easy to remember form !

And also whenever anything major/minor happens with me or in my life , I will record it here ( remember ! written form of communication is always better than oral !! )

But I just hope that this blog does not meet the same fate as the hundreds of diaries I have attempted to keep ….May God give me everlasting strength to utilize my ‘office time’ in a more creative and productive way !

By the way , boss just passed by my desk and to my surprise , did not cast his distinctive ‘glance’ on my screen …probably he thought I am busy writing some ‘interesting’ official document …So that’s one more advantage I can think of ..I can type my posts in a word doc and give the boss an impression that I am busy writing those lengthy status reports ( for actual SRs , I have become an expert in Ctrl C/V I can manage that !)

So for all the above reasons and many more which I could not put here in writing ( I am not a seasoned blogger you see …have just started !) ….here I come …on